
Dr. Andrea Chisnoiu Dental Centre

Dr. Chisnoiu Dental Centre – a team of professional dentists, ready to provide full service dentistry at the highest standards of quality and affordable for every patient.

Continuous training, dedication and respect for our work are the main criteria for the selection of our team of specialists, but also the capacity of reporting to the needs and expectations of patients. Our team is always informed and prepared, so you can be assured that your dentist is aware of the latest techniques and innovations in dentistry.

Patient care is our main concern. We want patients to come relaxed in our dental center to be concerned about their dental health, as it is much easier to prevent various diseases that may appear, but it is more difficult to deal with very serious problems which may develop later .

We believe that accurate information regarding the treatment options, the limits of the treatment, patient responsibility and financial issues is a mandatory step before starting any treatment.

Best dental services, professional dentists, confidence and security.